How To Create AI Bot
Creating a bot on the platform can be achieved through 2 methods:
Create Bot Directly From AI Bots Dashboard
Utilizing the default & custom configuration options for quick setup from AI Bots Dashboard.
Create Bot from Project
Create bot from project is an optional choice.
Create Bot Directly From AI Bots Dashboard:
- If you wish to create a bot directly from AI Bots dashboard, follow any of 2 below steps as per your choice
1) Bot Creation From Default Setup Without Adding AI Models in Organization:
Step 1:
As shown in the screen below, with the default configuration, you can create a bot within your organization’s default project.
To do so, simply go to bot option in AI bots dashboard. Please refer the below screen.
Visit the bot (1) section, got to the default config (2), select the chat model, the embedding model and then click Create AI Bot (3)
Step 2: Create Data Stores - Please visit Datastores section
Step 3: Add Data Sources - Please visit Datasources section
Step 4: Link AI Bot to Datastores - Please visit AI Bots section
Once you have completed all the steps outlined above, your bot will be fully configured and ready to operate with your chosen data sources.
2) Bot Creation From Custom Configuration:
Adding AI Models in organization is crucial in this method. Please visit How to Add AI Models section from organization console.
As shown in the screen below, with the custom configuration, you can create a bot by just selecting chat & embedding model.
To do so, click the custom config (1) in AI Bots Dashboard, select the project (2) chat model (3), the embedding model (4) and then click Create AI Bot (5).