The AI Bots in Data Stores section highlights intelligent bots connected to data stores, enabling seamless interaction with and retrieval of stored information. Linking or adding data stores to your bot after bot creation is a crucial step to ensure seamless access to and interaction with the stored information.

  • Step By Step Process To Add Data Store To AI Bot:
  1. As per the screen below, visit the Bots (1) and click on your created bot (2) in the aptlystar dashboard.

  2. Click on data sources (1) -> Add data stores (2) -> Select the data stores to be add into your bot (3) click add to bot (4).

Pre-requisite: To add any data store from your organization to the bot, ensure that the embedding model used by the bot matches the embedding model of the data store.

  1. Data stores are now added into your bot. Add multiple data sources of your choice.

  2. Visit the data stores from organization console and go to AI Bots section. You will now see respective AI Bots linked or added to your choice of datastore.